Autor: oebvadmin


von Europa Nostra

„COVID-19 & BEYOND: Challenges and Opportunities for Cultural Heritage“



An extensive paper on the challenges and opportunities presented by the COVID-19 pandemic for the heritage world has been issued today by Europa Nostra – The European Voice of Civil Society Committed to Cultural Heritage. Entitled “COVID-19 & BEYOND: Challenges and Opportunities for Cultural Heritage”, this paper provides unequivocal evidence of how deeply the pandemic has affected the heritage world and makes concrete proposals to support the heritage sector through existing EU instruments and those proposed within the ‘Next Generation EU’ socio-economic recovery plan. This strategic paper has been firstly presented during this afternoon’s meeting of the European Commission Expert Group on Cultural Heritage by Europa Nostra’s Secretary General Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailović.

The Paper “COVID-19 & BEYOND: Challenges and Opportunities for Cultural Heritage“ summarises and analyses the main findings of a consultation on this topic conducted by Europa Nostra among its large pan-European network of members and partners.

The Paper assesses implications for heritage personnel and security of jobs; implications for security of heritage sites, contents and visitors; social, cultural and financial implications; as well as implications to ensure proper communication and to keep networks alive. It provides recommendations for heritage actors and policy-makers, and points out to available EU mechanisms that can be used to tackle the various implications of the COVID-19 crisis. The Paper also differentiates between immediate impacts observed during the first months of the COVID-19 outbreak and related lockdown, from medium to longer-term implications. Finally, the Paper provides a non-exhaustive yet useful mapping of initiatives launched by heritage stakeholders in relation to cultural heritage and the pandemic, such as surveys and data collection tools as well as statements, appeals and letters.

During the 3rd meeting of the European Commission Expert Group on Cultural Heritage, held virtually on 14 and 15 October, Europa Nostra was invited to present this important Paper in the presence of Director-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture Themis Christophidou, representatives from the European Commission and members of the Expert Group.

On this occasion, Europa Nostra’s Secretary General Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailović stated: “This Paper will underpin Europa Nostra’s advocacy action, conducted jointly with our members and partners, to ensure that cultural heritage is duly included in the EU’s immediate response to the COVID-19 crisis as well as in the ‘Next Generation EU’ recovery plans. Indeed, Europa Nostra and our members and partners are fully convinced of the immense potential of culture and cultural heritage for Europe’s socio-economic recovery in the aftermath of the pandemic and of their huge value as a powerful catalyst for the future of Europe”.

Europa Nostra’s Secretary General also invited not only members of the Expert Group, but all other heritage stakeholders – public and private – in Europe, to submit their comments on the Paper, which has to remain a “living document”. It will be updated at a later stage according to further insights and developments in relation to the pandemic. The Paper “COVID-19 & BEYOND: Challenges and Opportunities for Cultural Heritage“ has already benefited from the input of the members of the European Heritage Alliance 3.3, of which Europa Nostra is co-founder and coordinator, as well as key partners of Europa Nostra.

An advanced draft of the Paper also featured prominently in a media debate entitled “COVID-19 and culture: Europe’s arts & heritage take a pandemic hit” organised by the international TV channel France 24 on September 28 with the participation of Members of the European Parliament Laurence Farreng, Niklas Nienaß and Željana Zovko. On this occasion, Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailović stated: “We are proud that our Paper “COVID19 & BEYOND: Challenges & Opportunities for Cultural Heritage” is becoming a reference point, already prior to its official launch”.

The Paper provides convincing evidence and concrete recommendations that will support the advocacy efforts of Europa Nostra and its partners to place cultural heritage where it belongs: at the very heart of Europe’s recovery in the aftermath of the pandemic. The Paper will be widely disseminated among heritage actors and policy-makers at all levels of governance also inviting their further input and comments.

Read & download Paper

The Voice of Cultural Heritage in Europe | La Voix du patrimoine culturel en Europe
Lange Voorhout 35, 2514 EC The Hague, The Netherlands | 31 (0)70 302 40 50 |
Brussels Office
Rue de Treves/Trierstraat 45, 1040 Brussels, Belgium | 32 (0)2 486 25 26 |
Photos: credits for each image on the website

European Heritage Alliance Manifesto

European Heritage Alliance Manifesto “Cultural Heritage: a powerful catalyst for the future of Europe” just released

On 9 May 2020, on the occasion of Europe Day which this year marks the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration and the launch of the process of European integration, members of the European Heritage Alliance have launched the European Heritage Alliance Manifesto Cultural Heritage: a powerful catalyst for the future of Europe.

The European Heritage Alliance Manifesto aims to convey a strong message of solidarity, hope and unity to Europe’s leaders and citizens at a time when Europe and the entire planet are struggling to overcome an unprecedented crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus. Through this Manifesto, representatives of major European and international heritage networks which form part of the European Heritage Alliance express the readiness of the wider heritage world to contribute to Europe’s immediate social and economic recovery, as well as to the longer-term advancement of the European project…….

Alle Einzelheiten

European Heritage Awards/Europa Nostra Awards 2021

Die Europäische Kommission ruft zur Bewerbung für die European Heritage Awards/Europa Nostra Awards 2021 auf.

Die wichtigsten Informationen

  • Die Auszeichnungen ehren Best Practice Beispiele im Zusammenhang mit der Erhaltung, Verwaltung, Forschung, Bildung und Kommunikation des Kulturerbes.
  • Das Preisverleihungsprogramm trägt somit zu einer stärkeren öffentlichen Anerkennung des Kulturerbes als strategische Ressource für Europas Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft bei.
  • Die Preise ehren jedes Jahr bis zu 30 herausragende Leistungen im Bereich des Kulturerbes aus allen Teilen Europas.
  • Niederösterreich hat 2009 mit der Gozzoburg in Krems eine Auszeichnung erhalten und im Jahr 2006 erhielt das Stift Klosterneuburg eine Urkunde.
  • Die Einträge können sich auf materielles, immaterielles oder digitales Erbe beziehen. Sie können sich auf eine Skala von klein bis groß, von lokal bis europäisch und international erstrecken.



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Zwei Anträge aus Deutschland erhalten den
Europäischen Kulturerbepreis / Europa Nostra Awards 2020

Brüssel/ Den Haag, 07. Mai 2020

Am diesjährigen Europatag (9. Mai) freuen sich die Europäische Kommission und Europa Nostra, die Gewinner der Europäischen Kulturerbepreise / Europa Nostra Awards 2020 bekannt zu geben. Europas höchste Auszeichnung im Bereich des Kulturellen Erbes geht an 21 beispielhafte Leistungen aus 15 europäischen Ländern (weitere Informationen über die vollständige Liste der Preisträger siehe unten). Unter den diesjährigen Preisträgern sind zwei herausragende Projekte aus Deutschland: die Epitaphe der Universitätskirche Leipzig in der Kategorie Konservierung und das Online-Archiv der Arolsen Archives in der Kategorie Bildung, Ausbildung und Bewusstseinsbildung.


Europa Nostra Digital Agora Weekly Update #1

10 April 2020

Dear Readers, 

As already announced in the special edition of the Europa Nostra Newsletter dated 3 April,  we now, more than ever, feel the need to be closer together while staying physically apart. Inspired by the spirit and the culture of solidarity, we are proud to present to you our brand new initiative, called the Europa Nostra Agora, born as a creative response to the ongoing confinement and physical distancing to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

This initiative aims to provide a virtual platform to share and promote digital communication related to culture and cultural heritage from across Europe and the world. By sharing and promoting news and content via this weekly update and on social media, we wish to make a modest but meaningful contribution to enhancing the resilience and positive interaction between Europe’s citizens during the trying times related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This is the first update with a selection of links and relevant information which we aim to disseminate every week through our wide network of members and partners. We have opted for a simple and factual format of communication for the benefit of all.  We also invite you to visit a dedicated online platform which will continue to grow over time

On the occasion of Raffaello’s 500th death anniversary, the biggest exhibition ever devoted to the famous Italian and European Renaissance artist opened on 5 March in Rome’s Scuderie del Quirinale. As the exhibition was forced to close its doors just four days after its opening due to the nationwide lockdown in Italy, the museum has released a video visit available on YouTube. To pay tribute to this immense artist, we have chosen to illustrate our digital Agora with one of his most famous masterpieces: the „School of Athens” from the Raphael Rooms of the Vatican Museums.

The Europa Nostra Agora remains a “work in progress”. Therefore, we invite your feedback with concrete suggestions for its improvement and further development. We also thank you for sharing regularly with us your creative initiatives for inclusion in the Agora (att. Manon Richard, 

We wish you a very warm welcome to the Europa Nostra Agora!  

#Stayathome #Allwillbewell


Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailović

Secretary General


Updates von Europa Nostra

From: Lorena Aldana-Ortega <>
Sent: 09 April 2020 18:36
Cc: Sneška Quaedvlieg – Mihailovic <>
Subject: IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO ALL EUROPA NOSTRA MEMBERS: COVID-19 Pandemic and its impact on the heritage world


Dear Members of the Europa Nostra Family,

On behalf of Sneška Quaedvlieg – Mihailovic, Secretary General of Europa Nostra, and of the whole Europa Nostra team, I would like to warmly thank you for your positive response to our Consultation on the impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the heritage world, which we sent to you on March 26 (see message here).

We are truly grateful for the numerous and meaningful replies that so many of you have already provided. In the following weeks, we shall carefully analyse all the received information to prepare and widely disseminate a comprehensive overview and estimate of the current situation. As already announced, your input will help us design and implement an adequate Europa Nostra Joint Advocacy Action with regard to the impacts of the COVID-19 on the heritage world towards the European Union, its Member States and other relevant international, European and national bodies.

In the meantime, if you haven’t done so already, we urge you to reply to the short questionnaire attached (ANNEX 1) at your convenience and if possible by next Thursday 16 April. The more information we obtain from our members and partners about the situation on the ground, the more representative and meaningful our analysis will be and the more effective our advocacy action will be.

From our side, we are committed to continuing our short and medium-term advocacy efforts towards EU leaders to make sure that cultural heritage is duly included in the EU’s immediate response to the crisis as well as in long-term recovery plans.

We therefore take this opportunity to share with you some updates on our work on this front, below.


Latest Europa Nostra advocacy efforts in relation to COVID-19


Yesterday, all 27 EU Member States’ Ministers in charge of Culture held a video-conference to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on Europe’s cultural, creative and heritage sectors, under the chairmanship of the Croatian Minister of Culture, Nina Obuljen Koržinek, in representation of the Croatian Presidency of the EU. Ahead of this video-conference, Europa Nostra has addressed a letter to the Croatian Minister of Culture and acting chair of the EU Council of Ministers, which you can find attached for information. In this letter, we call on EU leaders for urgent support measures for the heritage sector, and to duly include culture and heritage in the EU’s immediate crisis response and long-term recovery plans. Our Secretary General also had a conference call with Minister Obuljen, who has assured us that our letter was circulated to all Ministers and that she and her colleagues looked forward to receiving further input from us.

We are also happy to share with you below a short recap of yesterday’s video-conference among EU Ministers of culture. 

Video-conference (informal meeting) among EU Ministers of culture on 8 April 

  • Video-conference organised on the initiative of the Croatian Presidency of the EU and chaired by Nina Obuljen.
  • All27 EU Member States
  • European Commission Representatives who joined the meeting were: Věra Jourová(European Commission Vice President for Values and Transparency),  Mariya Gabriel( European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth) and Thierry Breton (European Commissioner for the Internal Market).
  • Ministers and representatives of the European Commision exchanged views on the immediate/ initial measuresimplemented to mitigate impacts of the crisis and measures that should be taken at the European level.
  • The Press Conferencethat followed the video-conference is accessible here,in case you are interested. Here you can read a short press release.

The key points discussed were:

  • All EU Member States have undertaken necessary steps to help artists, cultural workers, cultural institutions and companies in the crisis.
  • Most Member States agreed that cultural and creative sectors are among the first (if not THE first) to be severely hit by the crisis and lockdown of public spaces.
  • Member States expressed their concerns as of how quickly some parts of the cultural sector will be able to recover once the immediate crisis is over.
  • The digital consumption of cultural content on various online platforms during the isolation was also addressed and praised.
  • Member States presented national measures, which are different and context-specific, but can be grouped as follows:
    • Majority of Member States have implementedSOCIAL MEASURESto protect the most vulnerable workers: freelancers, independent, small enterprises.
    • OPERATIONAL MEASURES: Extended deadlines and changed criteria of deadlines of national calls to adapt to the situation.
    • FINANCIAL MEASURES: a number of countries made available funds for cultural and creative sectors
  • The Media and the importance of the professional work of journalists to prevent fake news and disinformation was also addressed.
  • Commissioner Mariya Gabriel presented activities already launched by European Commission, both horizontal and sectorial. 
    • 3 horizontal measures that can and should be used for the cultural sector:
      • Coronavirus response investment initiative(37 billion Euro from Structural Funds to alleviate the effects of the pandemic)
      • New instrument for temporary support to mitigate unemployment risk in emergencies (100 billion Euro)
      • Temporary framework for state aid(culture is specifically listed as one of the sectors that are most severely hit).
    • Sector-specific actions (under the Creative Europe framework programme of the EU):
      • Maximum flexibility for ongoing and planned actions (including extension of Deadline for application to some calls published under the programme)
      • Special measures to support cinema ( 5 million Euro as part of a supplementary fund)
      • Redirecting the work of the cross-border dimension of performing arts towardsvirtual mobility and digital culture. In May, a Fund of 2 million Euro for this purpose will be announced.
      • Commissioner Gabriel also proposed to launch 2 platforms: one for Member States to share good practices and another one for the sector itself (to exchange and find solutions to the challenges posed by the crisis)
    • In general, Ministries appreciated the measures already taken by the European Commission as well as the ‚quick response‘ to address the current crisis.
    • Next steps: 
      • EU Ministers in charge of Culture will continue to be in close contact and cooperation in the coming weeks, as to prepare a Ministerial meeting on this topic in May 2020. In this Ministerial meeting, EU Ministers in charge of Culture should make a solid assessment of the crisis, propose Joint action for the post-crisis period as well as options for recovery of the cultural and creative sectors.


We hope you will find this recap useful. We very much look forward to receiving your input and we are deeply grateful for your most valuable support on this ambitious but vital endeavor.


Wishing you a Happy Easter Break.


On behalf on the Europa Nostra Team,

Lorena Aldana
European Policy Coordinator

EUROPA NOSTRA | lao@europanostra.+32 (0) 2486 25 26 | |