Autor: oebvadmin



Brussels / The Hague, 30 May 2024

The European Commission and Europa Nostra today announced the 2024 winners of the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards, co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union. This year, Europe’s most prestigious awards for heritage go to 26 outstanding winners from 18 countries across the continent. Full details here.

Denkmalschutzmedaille 2024

Vorschläge bis 15. Juni 2024 einreichen!

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

wir möchten hiermit informieren, dass noch bis 15. Juni 2024 Vorschläge für die Denkmalschutzmedaille 2024 eingereicht werden können.

In diesem Jahr wird die Denkmalschutzmedaille 2024 wieder an Personen verliehen, die sich in besonderer Weise um Denkmalschutz und Denkmalpflege verdient gemacht haben. Die Verleihung erfolgt an einzelne oder in Initiativen und andere in Gruppen zusammengeschlossene Personen, die sich persönlichen für die Erhaltung von Denkmalen eingesetzt haben. Dieser Einsatz kann wissenschaftlicher, finanzieller, organisatorischer oder sonstiger Art sein.

In diesem Jahr wird besonderes Augenmerk auf die Verbindung von traditionellem Handwerk und vorbildlicher Restaurierungen gelegt. Unter dem Motto HAND//WERK gedacht+gemacht sollen Handwerk und Restaurierung als Grundlagen nachhaltigen denkmalpflegerischen Denkens und Tuns hervorgehoben werden. Der Stellenwert des Handwerks soll aus den Perspektiven Regionalität, Nachhaltigkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit präsentiert werden. Denn ohne die Qualifikation der Expertinnen und Experten aus den Bereichen Handwerk und Restaurierung würde die individuelle Baudenkmalpflege nicht funktionieren.

Die Vergabe der Denkmalschutzmedaille soll diese Botschaft transportieren, bekannte und weniger bekannte Denkmale aus unterschiedlichen Regionen und die Menschen dahinter vor den Vorhang holen.

Die Vorschläge müssen mittels des Formulars Vorschlag Österreichische Denkmalschutzmedaille 2024  zusammen mit mindestens fünf aussagekräftigen Abbildungen bis spätestens 15. Juni 2024 an gesendet werden. Details und Voraussetzungen zur Einreichung entnehmen Sie bitte dem Informationsblatt Information Österreichische Denkmalschutzmedaille 2024 oder unserer Website.

 Die Verleihung findet im Oktober 2024 in Bad Ischl statt.

Mit besten Grüßen,
Dr. Christoph Bazil


Dr. Christoph Bazil


+43 1 534 15-850 100

Hofburg, Säulenstiege, 1010 Wien, Österreich

Digital Transformation in Cultural Heritage


Following an Open Call for Local Good Practices, the European Heritage Hub recently identified exemplary initiatives in the cultural heritage field that contribute to the green, digital, and social transformation of our society.

 In this Sharing Local Stories series of four thematic webinars, we invite you to discover how these practices have been implemented on local and regional levels. We will share inspirational stories and practical examples while engaging in a wider conversation on the role of cultural heritage in an urban context.

Full details here

Europa Nostra and EIB Institute announce Europe’s 7 Most Endangered Heritage Sites 2024

The list of the 7 Most Endangered monuments and heritage sites in Europe for 2024 was announced today by Europa Nostra, the European Voice of Civil Society Committed to Cultural and Natural Heritage, and the European Investment Bank Institute.

These are the 7 Most Endangered heritage sites in Europe for 2024:
Working-class Housing (courées) in Roubaix-Tourcoing, FRANCE
Cycladic Islands, notably Sifnos, Serifos and Folegandros, GREECE
Church of San Pietro in Gessate, Milan, ITALY
Synagogue of Siena, ITALY
Home of the Yugoslav People’s Army in Šabac, SERBIA
Greek Orthodox Church of St. Georgios, Altınözü / Hatay province, TÜRKIYE
Iron Gate of Antioch, Antakya / Hatay province, TÜRKIYE

The announcement was made at an online event featuring nominators and representatives of the selected sites, which attracted participants from across Europe and beyond.


Read the press release here

Contribute your own resources to the Heritage Library

It has been one month since we launched the Heritage Library, as part of the European Heritage Hub framework. The Library offers a multilingual collection of heritage-related materials, including research papers, articles, case studies, and audiovisual content.

We encourage you to contribute your own resources to the Heritage Library using the provided form. Our goal is to gather a broad yet curated collection of heritage-related resources, establishing the Heritage Library as the go-to platform for accessing relevant content across the sector.

Selected content may be featured in our monthly Heritage Library Top Picks round-up and our bi-monthly newsletter. Additionally, contributors may be invited to take part in an interview series on the Hub website.

We also invite you to share your upcoming events with the community by submitting them to the Hub website via this form.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

European Heritage Youth Residency in Romania

Apply by 22 April 2024

Europa Nostra, the largest European network of heritage organisations, Tășuleasa Social and Asociația Monumentum, both winners of the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards, will organise the second edition of the European Heritage Youth Residencies from 27 June until 3 July 2024 in Romania

Around 15 young heritage stakeholders will be selected to come together to discuss heritage and sustainable tourism. Participants will partake in hiking and other hands-on heritage activities, and will collaborate on lasting resources for other heritage professionals and students.

The European Heritage Youth Residency 2024 is an opportunity for students, professionals and heritage stakeholders to see first-hand how heritage policies and projects around sustainable tourism have been successfully implemented. This includes the Via Transilvanica, a 1,400 km hiking trail offering a journey through Romanian heritage, and the Ambulance for Monuments, an innovative programme to carry out emergency repairs on heritage buildings in Romania.

The programme is designed for 18-35 year old students, professionals and stakeholders, with an affinity for heritage and sustainable tourism.

The programme seeks to initiate new formats of cross-sectoral cooperation, fostering projects of co-creation and collaborative plans. The peer-learning methodology of the programme is designed to stimulate interaction, collaborative learning and solution-building in a cooperative and friendly expert environment. Participants will be expected to present their own experiences of working within sustainable tourism. This includes sharing successful local policies and projects, as well as their top tips, pitfalls and learnings. The selected participants will also therefore get useful information and ideas for improving or initiating their own local projects or ideas on how they might transfer some of the presented practices to their own localities.

The programme will include meetings with local stakeholders, site visits, hikes, restoration and solution-building workshops.

To learn more about the Residency and the rules to apply, please read the Call for Applications.

Applications must be submitted by 22 April 2024 via the following link. For more information, contact:

Lange Voorhout 35    NL – 2514 EC   Den Haag
T.+31 70 302 40 55   


7 Most Endangered Heritage Sites in Europe for 2024


Join us for the Live Announcement of the 2024 List of 7 Most Endangered Heritage Sites in Europe on 17 April 2024 (11:00-12:30 CET).

Guy Clausse, Executive Vice-President of Europa Nostra, together with Bruno Rossignol, Head of Programme for Climate and Heritage at the European Investment Bank (EIB) Institute, will host the online event where the much-awaited list of 7 Most Endangered monuments and heritage sites 2024 will be unveiled.

The online event, with the participation of Shiva Dustdar, Director of the EIB Institute, and Normunds Popens, Deputy Director-General at the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture of the European Commission, will be moderated by Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailović, Secretary General of Europa Nostra. Full details here.

Costa Carras European Citizens Awards

Winners of the Costa Carras European Citizens Awards for the Safeguard of Endangered Heritage 2024 announced

Stéphane Bern, renowned French journalist and heritage champion, wins the Golden Award

Silver Award goes jointly to the Greek NGO Archilochos – Cultural Association of Paros,  and the Turkish NGO Haydarpaşa Solidarity for Society, City and Environment

The 2024 winners of the Costa Carras European Citizens Awards for the Safeguard of Endangered Heritage were announced today. Stéphane Bern, a renowned French-Luxembourgish journalist, radio host and television presenter, and a prominent heritage advocate, has won the Golden Award for his exemplary work in raising awareness of the need to save heritage at risk in France and in the rest of Europe.  Alle Details hier

European Heritage Hub two new digital tools

The Heritage Library and Policy Monitor are now readily accessible from the Hub’s website, free of charge and without registration requirements.͏‌ ͏

Discover our new digital tools!

We are pleased to announce the launch of two new digital tools on the European Heritage Hub website: the Heritage Library and the Policy Monitor. Both are now readily accessible, free of charge, and without registration requirements. Find more details below.

Heritage Library

The Heritage Library is a digital repository offering a rich and multilingual collection of heritage-related materials, ranging from research papers, articles and case studies to audiovisual content. With advanced filtering options by category, document type, language, geography, and publication date, this platform aims to enhance accessibility and foster knowledge-sharing within the sector. You are also encouraged to contribute your own resources. Explore the Heritage Library here

Policy Monitor

The Policy Monitor is an online tool mapping out policies impacting cultural and natural heritage at EU, national and local level. Users can navigate the developing policy landscape by using an interactive map and access dedicated country profiles, spanning the whole of Europe. Beyond data collection, the Policy Monitor aims to analyse trends and identify regulatory gaps, with quarterly snapshots shared by our Policy Team. Visit the Policy Monitor here.

For more information, visit the landing page of each tool or refer to the dedicated FAQ section. We look forward to seeing your contributions!
Visit the Hub’s website

European Heritage Hub

Lange Voorhout 35, 2514EC, The Hague