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Daily Telegraph

Der „Daily Telegraph“ ist eine englische Tageszeitung, die samstags und sonntags eine umfangreiche Ausgabe herausgibt und die zudem jeweils am Sonntag ein Magazin „Sunday Telegraph Magazine“ enthält.

Durch European Historic Houses haben Besitzer von historischen Gebäuden nun die Möglichkeit, in der Wochenendausgabe einen Artikel über sich und ihr Anwesen zu veröffentlichen.

Dieser Beitrag besteht aus einem Interview (in englischer Sprache) und Fotos von der Baulichkeit.

Interessierte wenden sich bitte an sekretariat@ahha.at, Anmeldeschluss: 28.2.2019

Knepp2 Powderham 21 Oct2

Liz Ihrenberger-Anthony

bei Markus Saletz Lieblingsweine

im Untermarkt in Reutte, Tirol

Montag bis Freitag 10 bis 12 und 14 bis 18 Uhr

Liz Ihrenberger – Anthony ist Mountain Ash, Wales, Großbritannien geboren und aufgewachsen, aber seit 1974 wohnhaft in Österreich.

2 Semester Kunststudium am Newport College of Art, Wales; 2 Semester Studium der Kunstgeschichte an der Universität, Swansea, sowie Studium der englischen Sprache und Literatur mit dem akademischen Abschluss eines B.A.

2 Semester Lehramtsausbildung an der Universität Aberystwyth, Wales.

Teilnahme an zahlreichen Kunstkursen: an der Sommerakademie in Salzburg bei Gerhard Rühm,  dreimal an der Art Didacta in Innsbruck, weitere Kurse in Griechenland und Niederösterreich. 2012 Teilnahme an einem internationalen Aquarellkurs bei dem berühmten Aquarellisten Alvaro Castagnet in Italien.

Seit über 30 Jahren freischaffende Künstlerin, Teilnahme an mehreren Ausstellungen (auch Einzelausstellungen).

25 Jahre Unterricht im Fach Bildnerische Erziehung am Gymnasium Reutte.


SHARING NEWS Europa Nostra


SHARING NEWS (edition no. 8) – special update for Europa Nostra members


Regular update on European highlights, events, policy developments, funding opportunities, competitions and publications, prepared especially for Europa Nostra members






Berlin Call to Action handed over to the European Commission

Europa Nostra and the German Cultural Heritage Committee handed over the symbolic number of 2018 signatures of the Berlin Call to Action ‘Cultural Heritage for the future of Europe’ to the European Commission on the occasion of the EYCH 2018 Closing Conference in Vienna on 7 December. News item soon to be published here.


European Commission presented European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage

The long-awaited European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage was presented by the European Commission on 7 December in Vienna on the occasion of the Closing Conference of the EYCH 2018. Read the news item here.


Check our news section for more updates.


  1. UPCOMING EVENTS January (not exhaustive)


2019 European Capitals of Culture

In 2019, the cities of Plovdiv (Bulgaria) and Matera (Italy) will be the European Capitals of Culture.


2019 – International Year of Indigenous Languages

The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 2019 as the International Year of Indigenous Languages.


January – June 2019

Romania will take over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the first time. Until December 2018, Austria is holding the Presidency and in July 2019, Finland will take over. Read a briefing about Romania’s priority dossiers here.


11-13 January – Plovdiv (Bulgaria)

Opening weekend for the 2019 European Capital of Culture.


19 January – Groningen (The Netherlands)

Ceremony for the Music Moves Europe Talent Awards: The Awards celebrate emerging artists who represent the European sound of today and tomorrow. The 12 winners will perform during the ceremony and the public choice award will be announced.


19-20 January – Matera (Italy)

Opening Ceremony for the European Capital of Culture 2019.


21-22 January – Brussels (Belgium)

Meeting of the Culture Committee of the European Parliament.


SAVE THE DATE: 03-04 May – Vilnius (Lithuania)

2nd International fair of cultural heritage preservation, technologies and education „HERITAS“: It brings together all relevant stakeholders that work in the field of cultural heritage, encourages their cooperation, communication as well as presents cultural heritage to the people of all age groups through education and experience. At Heritas’2019 you will find the stands with the presentation of public and private institutions and companies, guided tours, workshops, seminars, exhibitions, children’s education area, concerts, performances and a way more.

If you want to be a part of Heritas’2019, contact the organisers at www.heritas.lt, facebook.com/heritas.lt/


For more information and additional events, you can browse




APPLY: Call for proposals for activities for European Heritage Label sites (deadline 03/01/2019)

The European Heritage Label (EHL) is one of the key actions of the EU in the field of cultural heritage. This call for proposals has been launched to select a coordinator “to launch activities of networking, capacity building and exchange of best practices among the EHL sites, and communication and promotions activities for the action”. More information on how to apply here.


APPLY: Call for projects for World Heritage Volunteers 2019 (deadline: 13/01/2019)

The UNESCO World Heritage Centre launched its call for projects for the World Heritage Volunteers Campaign 2019. All youth organisations, NGOs, institutions, and public authorities wishing to involve young people in World Heritage preservation are encouraged to apply. The deadline is 13 January 2019. The selected projects will be announced in February 2019.


APPLY as a Cultural Route with your project proposal “Routes4U” (deadline: 04/02/2019)

Are you the legally constituted body in charge of a network certified “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe”? Then you might be eligible to apply for the “Routes4U” project grants, with the aim of producing an added value to the Council of Europe and the European Commission’s efforts in the domain of Cultural Routes and the four EU macro-regional strategies.


APPLY: Call for tender “Capacity Building for European Capitals of Culture” (deadline extended to 06/02/2019)

The objective of this call is to create a pool of expertise and provide capacity building services and peer-learning activities to upcoming European Capitals of Culture (ECOCs). More information here and direct link to the call for tender here.


APPLY: Horizon 2020 calls related to cultural heritage (non-exhaustive; already announced in previous “Sharing News” edition)




APPLY for the Jean-Paul-L’Allier Prize for Heritage (deadline: 14/12/2018)

Member cities of the Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC) can apply for the 6th edition of the Jean-Paul-L’Allier Prize for Heritage (deadline extended to 14 December). The award highlights an achievement related to the conservation, enhancement or good management of a living urban ensemble or property within an urban context thanks, in part, to the commitment of its local communities. The prize will be awarded at a ceremony during the OWHC World Congress in Cracow, Poland, in June 2019.


GET INVOLVED: Project of European Heritage Volunteers open to new partner organisations (deadline: 20/12/2018)

In order to continue the activities within the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage European Heritage Volunteers (a member organisation of Europa Nostra) and its partners developed the project “Sharing Heritage – Sharing Engagement”. It consists of heritage volunteering projects and heritage training courses that will take place between May and November 2019 all over Europe and are aimed at both young adults with and without previous education in the field of heritage, and to students and young professionals. The groups usually consist of twelve to fifteen participants and are interdisciplinary and international.

The programme includes the preservation of a church from the 11th century and the related ensemble in Armenia, conservation activities at a medieval fortress in Slovakia and a wooden church in Northern Russia, restoration works at the interior of a monastery in Poland and at sculptures in public spaces in Portugal. A special focus will lie on preservation activities at heritage sites in rural regions – so in Albania and Finland. Several of the projects will be dedicated to special categories of heritage – to historic parks and gardens, Jewish cemeteries and industrial heritage. Finally, several projects will provide knowledge about traditional handicrafts as a about dry stone wall techniques, restoration of historic windows and of coloured surfaces.

“Sharing Heritage – Sharing Engagement” is based on an existing network of partners, but it is open to be joined by new partners, too. Organisations that might be interested to join the project are kindly asked to contact European Heritage Volunteers by email to info@heritagevolunteers.eu till 20.12.2018. The final programme will be published on the website www.heritagevolunteers.eu in February 2019.


GET INVOLVED: International Youth Conference for young professionals

In September 2019 Erfgoed Brabant (a member organisation of Europa Nostra) will organize the International Youth Conference “Remembering the past in the future”. This event is commissioned by Brabant Remembers (partner of Europe Remembers) and will be organised by and for European young professionals (18-35) who specialize in the field. At the moment Erfgoed Brabant is preparing the event with (inter)national partners, and in March they will send out a Call for Proposals. More information soon on the website of Brabant Remembers!


PARTICIPATE: MOOC on digital cultural heritage in the classroom (starts: 14/01/2019)

Europeana and European Schoolnet are running a massive open online course (MOOC) on digital cultural heritage resources for teaching: ‘Europeana in your classroom: building 21st-century competences with digital cultural heritage (Rerun)’ aims to improve teacher’s understanding of Cultural Heritage in order to efficiently integrate cultural heritage into their lessons and practices, regardless of the subject they usually teach. It is also open to other stakeholders. More information & registration here. An FAQ on what a MOOC is and how it works can be found here.


APPLY as one of 100 young elected local leaders for European Summit of Regions and Cities (deadline 18/01/2019)

The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) is holding the European Summit of Regions and Cities on 14-15 March 2019 in Bucharest, Romania, to discuss the future of Europe – shortly before the Sibiu Summit of EU leaders and the European elections in May 2019. 100 young elected politicians from EU regions and cities will be invited to participate. Deadline for applications is 19 January 2019. All information here.


APPLY: Young Professionals Forum on “Heritage & Tourism” in June 2019 (deadline: 28/02/2019)

The Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC) and the City of Krakow are organising the Young Professionals Forum under the theme “Heritage & Tourism”, as part of the 15th World Congress of the OWHC. It will take place on 1-6 June 2019 as a parallel event of the 15th World Congress of the OWHC. The deadline for submitting application is 28 February 2019. Read the call for participation and conditions for application here.


APPLY: European Solidarity Corps call for project proposals (deadlines between 05/02/2019-01/10/2019)

A new call for proposals under the European Solidarity Corps has been published by the European Commission. It is dedicated to support solidarity activities for young people in 2019. “Projects eligible for funding from the Solidarity Corps range from volunteering projects and partnerships to traineeships and jobs, in areas such as protecting European cultural heritage, fostering the social inclusion of people with fewer opportunities and tackling environmental and climate challenges. Groups of young people registered in the European Solidarity Corps Portal, as well as public and private bodies established in EU Member States which have received the relevant quality label, may apply for funding. Deadlines for submission of projects fall between 5 February and 1 October 2019 depending on the type of activity. More information on European Solidarity Corps activities can be found in this factsheet.” (Source: European Commission)




Heritage Houses for Europe project launched

The project Heritage Houses for Europe was launched in July in Brussels in the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018. It is coordinated by European Landowners’ Organisation, the European Historic Houses Association – both are members of Europa Nostra and of the European Heritage Alliance 3.3 – and IDEA Consult. Browse the website to find out more about the upcoming survey (as of January), events and the first workshop report.


Europe’s religious heritage is now online: Religiana launched

You can now find Europe’s religious heritage online thanks to Religiana, the online catalogue launched by Future for Religious Heritage, a member network of the European Heritage Alliance 3.3.


UNESCO: new inscriptions on list of intangible cultural heritage

At their meeting in Mauritius until 1 December, the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, inscribed elements on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. More about intangible cultural heritage on a new interactive platform here.

UNESCO and UIA launch “World Capitals of Architecture” initiative        

UNESCO and the International Union of Architects (UIA) – a member network of the European Heritage Alliance 3.3 – launched the initiative of “World Capitals of Architecture” with the aim of preserving architectural heritage and developing urban solutions through culture.

Viborg and Monteverde honoured for improving access to cultural heritage

The EU Access City award 2019 came with two special mentions for cities that undertook special efforts in improving access to cultural heritage. The winners of this special prize are Viborg in Denmark and Monteverde in Italy, while Breda in the Netherlands won the overall award. Read our news item here.

EESC Civil Society Prize 2018 awarded

For this year’s Civil Society Prize of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), five projects have been shortlisted that responded to this year’s topic of “European identities, values and cultural heritage”. The winner will be announced at the EESC plenary session on 13 December in Brussels.




OECD report on culture and local development

The report was published on the occasion of the first OECD conference on this topic held in Venice (Italy) on 6-7 December.


OECD ICOM Guide for Cities and Museums on Culture and Local Development: Maximising the Impact

The guide was also launched at the first OECD conference on culture and local development.


Policy recommendations on sustainable cultural tourism

A working group of experts from 23 EU member states plus Iceland published their recommendations on ‘sustainable cultural tourism’. The full report wil be available in early 2019.


Policy recommendations on heritage skills, training and knowledge

A working group of experts from 22 EU member states plus Iceland put forward their recommendations on a new European landscape for heritage professions. The executive summary is already available, while the full report will be published in early 2019.


Publication on cultural routes and tourism in the Adriatic-Ionian region

The ‘Roadmap for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: Heritage protection, cultural tourism and transnational cooperation through the Cultural Routes’ was published in October 2018 by the Routes4U and addresses the data gap on the implementation of cultural tourism and its management in the EU Adriatic-Ionian macro-region.


Publication on learning on intangible cultural heritage

The special issue of the /encatcSCHOLAR blog focuses on “Learning on intangible heritage: building teachers’ capacity for a sustainable future”, the outcomes of a UNESCO-ENCATC project.


UNESCO launches online platform on cultural policies

UNESCO provides an online platform for cultural policies comprising more than 2,000 policies and measures from over 100 countries – with a search function. You can peruse it here.


Jana Paratz
European Policy Officer
jpa@europanostra.org | +32 (0)2 400 77 02

europanostra.org | twitter.com/europanostra | facebook.com/europanostra

Proud partner of European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018

Sign the Berlin Call to Action „Cultural Heritage for the Future of Europe“ here!

Member of the European Heritage Alliance 3.3

Heritage Houses for Europe. Exchange & Innovate’

Die European Historic Houses Association hat ihr von der Europäischen Kommission gefördertes Projekt  erfolgreich gestartet.

 The European Historic Houses Association has successfully started its project funded by the European Commission ‘Heritage Houses for Europe. Exchange & Innovate’.

 Our aims are to:

  •  Measure the positive downfalls of family-owned heritage houses in Europe
  • Analyse innovative replicable business models
  • Create tools supporting managers for the sustainable preservation of family-owned heritage houses
  • Raise-awareness on the sector of family-owned heritage houses
  • Issue recommendations towards the EU institutions unleashing the sectors’ potential

 It will build the legacy of the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage for owners of heritage houses!

 This Study is made for you and with you! Wish to get involved? Write to us: l.maret@europeanhistorichouses.eu.