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EC Workshop on complementary Funding for CULTURAL HERITAGE: 25-26.01.2021

Wir möchten Sie auf nachstehende Information von Europa Nostra betreffend das „EC Workshop on Complementary Funding for Cultural Heritage“ aufmerksam machen.


The European Commission is organising a workshop on complementary funding for cultural heritage on 25 and 26 January under the Portuguese Presidency of the EU.

In the frame of the Council’s Work Plan for Culture 2019-2022, this initiative seeks to compile new/complementary sources of funding for cultural heritage and transferable best practices in order to promote its economic sustainability.

Also on behalf of the European Commission, we wish to thank all of you who have contributed to our consultation last year. As you can see in the workshop programme, some of our close partners and members will be presenting their inspiring work during the workshop.

If you are interested to follow the discussions, the workshop will be streamed at these links:

25/01/2021: https://webcast.ec.europa.eu/workshop-on-complementary-sources-of-funding-for-cultural-heritage-day1
Password: Bp78Ty56nB

26/01/2021:  https://webcast.ec.europa.eu/workshop-on-complementary-sources-of-funding-for-cultural-heritage-day2
Password: Bp78Ty56nB

We shall keep you duly informed about the outcomes of this workshop and any possible follow-up actions.

In the meantime, we remain at your disposal for any further information.

Kind regards,

Ms. Manon Richard

Projects Officer

EUROPA NOSTRA | mr@europanostra.org T: +32 (0) 2486 25 26 | M: +33 (0) 7 85 58 75 27 europanostra.org | twitter.com/europanostra | facebook.com/europanostra

EHH – Update


EHH – Update


Webinar on Successful EU Funded Projects… and many more to come!

By clicking the button below, you have the possibility to access the folder on GoogleDrive dedicated to the Webinar on Successful EU Funded Projects organised by EHH on the 18th of November. There you will find the recording of the webinar and some attached materials: these are contents of great value and interest for our sector and for this reason we deem it extremely important to share them with you all.

Webinar on Successful EU Funded Projects – Google Drive

We hope to see you all in Brussels soon for our Seminar on the EU and Access to Funds that was scheduled for this autumn but which we had to postpone (hopefully) to next spring. In the meanwhile, EHH intends to continue offering its members support in addressing and learning about all the various issues that owners of historic houses typically face. This is why, also considering the success of our last webinar, we are already planning on organising another webinar in March: stay tuned for more details!


Houses of the Month 2021 – CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS!
Are you a private owner member of one of EHH Member Associations and you would like to seize a good opportunity to present your house to the public? Email us and take part in our virtual project, HOUSES OF THE MONTH!

Email us

Given the excellent feedback received in the past four months, we decided to continue our ongoing virtual project, Houses of the Month, from January 2021 onwards, keeping on offering our public virtual guided tours of the private houses of our members. Video after video, our idea is to make our YouTube page a real online museum, where one has the possibility to travel from one corner of Europe to another with just one click.
To have a look at how Houses of the Month has been so far and maybe take some inspiration to realise YOUR video, check the dedicated playlist on our YouTube page by clicking the button below: 

Houses of the Month – YouTube

Schloss Tratzberg: Führung jetzt Digital

Schloss Tratzberg hat heuer durch Corona Beschränkungen ca 500.000.- € Umsatz verloren und daher beschlossen, durch cultour.digital  die Führung von Tratzberg online zu stellen. Dies wurde in kürzester Zeit von ca.2 Monaten umgesetzt und das Ergebnis können sie seit gestern auf der Seite von cultour.digital bewundern.

Sie können sich dort mit Benutzer: intern@intern.at

Und Passwort: intern

einloggen und es anschauen.

Für diejenigen die etwas Umsatz machen wollen. Die Produktion kostet etwa 8.900.-€

NextGen Membership launch


The EHH Team, together with NextGen Coordinator William Cartwright-Hignett, is glad to announce the new NextGen membership has just been launched. It is now possible for young owners from all over Europe to join the European NextGen group directly. For the first year, the subscription to the group is free. This membership format represents a unique opportunity for young owners to be involved in a European-wide framework, above all for those who come from countries where there are no sections specifically dedicated to the younger generation within the respective National Associations.

NextGen is a work in progress: soon you will be able to visit the new website, which the EHH Team has been working on for a while now. William Cartwright-Hignett is obviously the heart and the soul of the project and, together with the other components of the recently established NextGen Board, he is planning a series of very interesting events and initiatives to be carried out in 2021.

Click the buttons below to contact the NextGen Coordinator directly or to fill in the new membership application form.

Email us for more info!

NextGen Group Membership Application Form


From: Sneška Quaedvlieg – Mihailovic <sqm@europanostra.org>


Pandemic and its impact on the heritage world

Dear Members of the Europa Nostra Family, 

We very much hope that you are all safe and healthy wherever you have got the opportunity to live and work in self-isolation due to the public health emergency related to the COVID-19.

At a time of on-going crisis and prevailing uncertainty, we now, more than ever, feel the need to be close to each other while staying physically apart. For this reason, I am pleased to share with you here enclosed a letter on behalf of our Executive President Hermann Parzginer and myself in my capacity as Secretary General of Europa Nostra. Through this letter, we would like to convey a message of hope, strength and solidarity to all of you in these trying times.

Likewise, through the 2 Annexes that accompany the letter, we would like to:

  • Kindly ask for your input to help us design and implement an adequate Europa Nostra Joint Advocacy Actionwith regard to the impacts of the COVID-19 on the heritage world. The longer-term objective of this consultation is to use this information as a basis for our joint advocacy efforts towards the European Union, its Member States and other relevant international, European and national bodies. (ANNEX 1)
  • Second, we would like to share with you some initial observations and update you on the work that Europa Nostra has been carrying in this front during the past two weeks. (ANNEX 2)

We very much look forward to hearing from you and we thank you in advance for your most valuable inputs. For more information on this vital consultation, please contact our colleague Lorena Aldana (lao@europanostra.org), European Policy Coordinator at our Brussels Office.

With all our solidarity and friendship on behalf of the Europa Nostra team,

Sneška Quaedvlieg – Mihailović
Secretary General
EUROPA NOSTRA | sqm@europanostra.org | +31 (0)70 302 40 57 |

europanostra.org | twitter.com/europanostra | facebook.com/europanostra

26032020_EN_COVID19 Pandemic and its impact on the heritage world

Herunterladen Annex 2

Initiative.DENKmal.KULTUR Regierungsprogramm


Initiative.DENKmal.KULTUR setzt sich zusammen aus: Austrian Historic Houses Association, Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.H., Burghauptmannschaft, Klösterreich – Verein zu Förderung der kulturellen und touristischen Aktivitäten der Klöster, Orden und Stifte Österreichs, Land&Forst Betriebe, Österreichische Bundesforste AG, Österreichische Gesellschaft der Denkmalfreunde, Österreichische Gesellschaft für historische Gärten und der Zentralverband Haus und Eigentum

Regierungsprogramm 2020-2024: die Basis, auf der wir aufbauen müssen.

Herunterladen .pdf

Zeiller Bilder am Zeillerplatz

Maria Himmelskönigin

Zeiller Bilder am Zeillerplatz

Reinhold Schrettl präsentiert bei Markus Saletz Lieblingsweine

vom 1. Juli bis 30. August 2019

Bilder der berühmten Reuttener Barockmalerfamilie:

Paul Zeiller, Johann Jakob Zeiller und Franz Anton Zeiller,

Masken vom kürzlich verstorbenen Künstler Sepp Kieltrunk aus Heiterwang, Bilder vom Igler Pfarrer Magnus Roth aus Vils, ein Bronzekreuz von Prof. Rudolf Geissler Moroder und Bilder von Silvia Skelac aus Vils.

Die Werke können während der Öffnungszeiten, Montag bis Freitag 10 bis 12 und 14 bis 18 Uhr besichtigt und erworben werden.

Masken, Sepp Kieltrunk                                                                                        a 900,-

Kreuz, Prof. Geissler Moroder                                                                               900,-

Blau, Silvia Skelac                                                                                                      400,-

Rot, Silvia Skelac                                                                                                        400,-

Maria Himmelskönigin, Paul Zeiller (1658-1738)                                          3.500,-

Maria Hilf, Johann Jakob Zeiller (1708-1783)                                     3.500

Rebecca am Brunnen, Franz Anton Zeiller (1716-1793)                              3.500,-

Ehrenberger Klaus, Larwin                                                                                      200,-

Baum, Magnus Roth, Vils – Igls                                                                              600,-

Form, Magnus Roth, Vils – Igls                                                                               400,-

Silvia Skelac
Reinhold Schrettl
Untermarkt 18
6600 Reutte
+43 5672 62488


Europa Nostra President´s Circle in Wien

Vom 22.-25.03.2019 fand die erste Europa Nostra Vorstandssitzung des Jahres 2019 in Wien statt.

Zum Auftakt bot sich im Rahmen dieses President´s Circle für die Teilnehmer die Gelegenheit einer Opernaufführung von Verdis „Simon Boccanegra“ mit Placido Domingo, dem Präsidenten von Europa Nostra, in der Titelrolle. Im Anschluss daran lud der Maestro zum Abendessen in Toni Mörwalds Salon Le Ciel in das Grand Hotel.

Weitere Programmpunkte dieses Wochenendes waren Besichtigungen des Gartenpalais Liechtenstein, der Secession, der Karlskirche, des Prunksaales der Nationalbibliothek sowie die Teilnahme an einer u.a. von den Wiener Sängerknaben gestalteten Messe in der Wiener Hofmusikkapelle.

Der Montag war einem Besuch des Heritage Award Archivs von Europa Nostra, das sich in der Donauuniversität in Krems befindet, gewidmet.

Abschließend fand am Dienstag in den Räumlichkeiten der Burghauptmannschaft in der Hofburg die Vorstandssitzung statt. Großes Lob gab es dabei vom Europa Nostra Team für die professionelle Führung des Archivs in Krems.

In diesem Zusammenhang bedankten sich Europa Nostra und der Präsident des Vereins Historische Gebäude Österreich, Alexander Kottulinsky, bei der bisherigen Präsidentin von Europa Nostra Austria, Frau Hofrat a.D. Dr. Eva-Maria Höhle, für die gute Zusammenarbeit und freuten sich, mit Hofrat a.D. Dr. Andreas Lehne den neuen Präsidenten begrüßen zu dürfen.