Webinar on Successful EU Funded Projects… and many more to come!
By clicking the button below, you have the possibility to access the folder on GoogleDrive dedicated to the Webinar on Successful EU Funded Projects organised by EHH on the 18th of November. There you will find the recording of the webinar and some attached materials: these are contents of great value and interest for our sector and for this reason we deem it extremely important to share them with you all. Webinar on Successful EU Funded Projects – Google Drive We hope to see you all in Brussels soon for our Seminar on the EU and Access to Funds that was scheduled for this autumn but which we had to postpone (hopefully) to next spring. In the meanwhile, EHH intends to continue offering its members support in addressing and learning about all the various issues that owners of historic houses typically face. This is why, also considering the success of our last webinar, we are already planning on organising another webinar in March: stay tuned for more details! |

Houses of the Month 2021 – CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS!
Are you a private owner member of one of EHH Member Associations and you would like to seize a good opportunity to present your house to the public? Email us and take part in our virtual project, HOUSES OF THE MONTH!
Given the excellent feedback received in the past four months, we decided to continue our ongoing virtual project, Houses of the Month, from January 2021 onwards, keeping on offering our public virtual guided tours of the private houses of our members. Video after video, our idea is to make our YouTube page a real online museum, where one has the possibility to travel from one corner of Europe to another with just one click.
To have a look at how Houses of the Month has been so far and maybe take some inspiration to realise YOUR video, check the dedicated playlist on our YouTube page by clicking the button below:
Houses of the Month – YouTube
Schloss Tratzberg: Führung jetzt Digital
Schloss Tratzberg hat heuer durch Corona Beschränkungen ca 500.000.- € Umsatz verloren und daher beschlossen, durch cultour.digital die Führung von Tratzberg online zu stellen. Dies wurde in kürzester Zeit von ca.2 Monaten umgesetzt und das Ergebnis können sie seit gestern auf der Seite von cultour.digital bewundern.
Sie können sich dort mit Benutzer: intern@intern.at
Und Passwort: intern
einloggen und es anschauen.
Für diejenigen die etwas Umsatz machen wollen. Die Produktion kostet etwa 8.900.-€
NextGen Membership launch

The EHH Team, together with NextGen Coordinator William Cartwright-Hignett, is glad to announce the new NextGen membership has just been launched. It is now possible for young owners from all over Europe to join the European NextGen group directly. For the first year, the subscription to the group is free. This membership format represents a unique opportunity for young owners to be involved in a European-wide framework, above all for those who come from countries where there are no sections specifically dedicated to the younger generation within the respective National Associations.
NextGen is a work in progress: soon you will be able to visit the new website, which the EHH Team has been working on for a while now. William Cartwright-Hignett is obviously the heart and the soul of the project and, together with the other components of the recently established NextGen Board, he is planning a series of very interesting events and initiatives to be carried out in 2021.
Click the buttons below to contact the NextGen Coordinator directly or to fill in the new membership application form.