Kategorie: European Historic Houses
EHH Newsletter January – February 2024
European Sustainable Heritage Award
Call to Action: spread the word about the Sustainable Heritage Award!
Dear Members,
Last week, we announced the European Sustainable Heritage Award launch in partnership with Airbnb.
This initiative aims to recognize the outstanding efforts of historic house owners who have demonstrated commitment to sustainable heritage preservation and restoration.
We are contacting you to kindly request your support in sharing this significant opportunity within your networks. By spreading the word about the European Sustainable Heritage Awards, we can encourage more owners to participate and award their efforts to improve the sustainability of their properties.
In total, three projects will be awarded. The winner will receive 20,000 EUR, and the two finalists will get 10,000 EUR. The deadline to apply is December 31st.
To be eligible, the projects should have achieved measurable impacts on the preservation and renovation of the historic property in one of the following fields:
- Energy (e.g. installation of heat pump technology, improvements in insulation, use of energy saving switches…)
- Waste (e.g. safe handling/disposal of hazardous waste)
- Water (e.g. installation of water-efficient showers/toilets/faucets, (re-)use of rainwater, drought-tolerant landscaping)
- Biodiversity and Ecosystems (e.g. greening of rooftops and other spaces, replacement of native species)
- Destination and Community (e.g. investment in local sustainability projects)
We are sharing a brief overview of the awards, the necessary information, and application details. We encourage you to share this information through your newsletters, social media platforms, and other communication channels. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or require further information. We greatly appreciate your support and cooperation in spreading the word about the European Sustainable Heritage Award !
Best regards,
The EHH Team
Submit your project now!
Check the terms and conditions
EU unterstützt umfassende Ausnahmen für historische Gebäude
Wie schon in einigen Aussendungen beschrieben, steht gerade die EPBD (Energy Performance of Buildings Directive) im Europäischen Parlament zur Diskussion. Die Gefahr war, dass unsere historischen Gebäude, wenn sie nicht unter Denkmalschutz stehen, in die Kategorie G fallen. Dies würde bedeuten, dass deren Nutzung bzw. Vermarktung faktisch ausgeschlossen wird. Den europaweit national agierenden Verbänden zur Erhaltung historischer Gebäude und des kulturellen Erbes ist es unter der Führung von European Historic Houses gelungen, die Formulierung dahingehend wesentlich abzuändern.
Hier die Aussendung von EHH zu diesem Thema.
Erasmus+ project HERIT Invitation
Invitation to HERIT MOOC Early Bird Access
European Historic Houses have kindly invited our members to their exclusive HERIT MOOC Early Bird Access starting on March 6th, 2023.
The HERIT MOOC is a project focused on offering online courses aimed at strengthening the commercial and digital expertise of private owners and their current and future employees. This course consists of 4 distinct modules centring around the development of skills in cultural heritage management and digital communication tools, while also encouraging the implementation of innovative solutions in the field of cultural tourism.
Each of the four modules comprises a theoretical part illustrated by practical examples implemented by private owners. You can then assess your newly acquired knowledge through quick exercises at the end of each module. This training is based on a learning model extended over 4 weeks, and which requires a commitment of 3 to 5 hours per week. Upon completion of all modules, you will be awarded a HERIT Training Certificate of Attendance. As it is important to maintain new skills, you will not only be ready to put them into practice in your historic house as soon as you complete the MOOC, but you will also have the opportunity to come back and consult the different modules as many times as you wish in order to refresh your memory.
The HERIT MOOC will officially be available following the project’s final conference scheduled for 23 May in Brussels. Nevertheless, we would like to kindly offer early bird access to our network for helping us create such high-quality work. This preview includes an exclusive evaluation activity, giving participants the opportunity to share their impressions and comments with the project team. Thus, by taking part, you would also allow us to collect first valuable feedback on the HERIT platform and its content.
In addition, we are also offering all attendees of this early session priority access to our Workshop on “How to use digital tools to maximise the visibility of your heritage property ?”, also scheduled for 23 May. Indeed, on the same day as the HERIT final conference, we invite you to attend a workshop composed of relevant expert interventions followed by a brainstorming session. This high-quality event will bring together a large network of stakeholders to encourage the sharing of best practices among private owners and professionals. Moreover, it will especially aim at helping early MOOC participants with advancing the skills developed during the online courses.
Feel free to consult the leaflet below for more information regarding the course and its content.
You can register by filling out this form.
Leaflet HERIT MOOCWebinar: Historic houses in the green transition
European Historic Houses
Our webinar on historic houses in the green transition was a real success! We would like to thank our President Alfonso Pallavicini, MEP Pernille Weiss, Architect Anders Brüel, Vice-Minister of Culture Vlastislav Ouroda, President Franziska Haas, Policy Officer Pau Garcia Audí and all the other experts that participated in the conversation. But most importantly, thanks to all the 200 participants and all the great questions that they asked! The European Green transition with the #GreenDeal #FitFor55 #EUClimateAction is a step towards preserving the environment but a threat to the millions of unlisted historic houses across Europe, which are worthy of protection. The proposed obligations pose a threat to the European historic patrimony, its cultural, aesthetic and historic legacy, by pushing a layer of our common European built heritage to silent destruction. Let us support the #GreenDeal while preserving and not threatening our built cultural heritage.
#GreenDeal #Fitfor55
„Historic houses had an exception in the past directives and it is necessary to keep this exception in the future.“ Alfonso Pallavicini, President of European Historic Houses, our partner organisation.
Neither all buildings, nor all constructions are the same. Historic houses follow traditional construction systems which enhance their cultural and aesthetic values.
Our partner organisation, European Historic Houses welcomes FitFor55 and the Green Deal but analyses its effect on historic houses, the face of the European cultural heritage. Questioning their implementation on the old construction of these houses, they answer why historic houses are a special case in this scenario.
Listen to private owners and conservation architects from Denmark, Germany and France who share the issues they would face while implementing the modern sustainable techniques in the old structures.
Follow and stay updated on this issue through:
Twitter: @EHH_aisbl
Facebook: @EuropeanHistoricHouses
Instagram: @europeanhistorichouses
LinkedIn: @EuropeanHistoricHouses
Weblink: http://www.europeanhistorichouses.eu/events/european-historic-houses-on-fitfor55/
European Historic Houses News
Links am Ende
EHH NL JF 2021EHH houses of the Month
The virtual tour of the restoration project of the Moravi family in Friesach
Watch the documentary here an read the article here
Ana Oliveira interview here
Webinar on Successful EU Funded Projects
Name of the event: Webinar on Successful EU Funded Projects
Date: November 18, 2020
Location: Zoom
Number of participants: over 55
Number of registrations: over 130
Contact emails: e.oksiuta@europeanhistorichouses.eu; theodoracanciu@europeanhistorichouses.eu; m.malaspina@europeanhistorichouses.eu
Addendums: The recording of the webinar, the speakers’ presentations and the “Support Document of the Study ‘Heritage Houses for Europe’ – EU funding guide to family-owners of heritage houses”.
Webinar Summary
On November 18th, 2020, European Historic Houses organised a webinar where remarkable speakers from different European countries shared their successful experiences regarding EU funded projects.
The purpose of the webinar was to bring together private owners of historic heritage from a variety of countries across Europe and to promote discussion and information sharing among them on the topic of EU funding opportunities.
The event included four different sessions. Firstly, the EHH Executive President, Alfonso Pallavicini, welcomed all the participants and speakers. Then, the EHH Head of Office, Ewelina Oksiuta, presented the different EU funding opportunities and programmes that were going to be discussed by the speakers – Erasmus+, Creative Europe, the European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund, and the European Agriculture Fund for Rural Development. The particularities of each programme and the respective way of accessing the EU funds can be found in the “Support Document of the Study ‘Heritage Houses for Europe’ – EU funding guide to family-owners of heritage houses”. This document will be sent by EHH to all the participants in the webinar, together with the recording of the webinar itself and all the PowerPoint presentations. After the six presentations of successful EU funded projects given by their protagonists and before saying goodbye, there was a fruitful question time, during which the participants had the chance to address questions directly to the speakers.
Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027
Very important to mention is that, in the abovementioned EU funding guide, the budget of each funding programme is based on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020. As explained during Oksiuta’s presentation, there are some changes in the programmes from this point of view under the MFF 2021-2027, which should also be supplemented by the new Recovery Fund.
Erasmus+ 2021-2027
Total budget: +2,2 billion compared to the previous period.
Its new priorities are oriented towards more opportunities abroad for over 14 million people, inclusiveness, accessibility and international visibility.
Creative Europe
Total budget: 2.4 b EUR, i.e. 57% increase compared to 2014-2020 level.
Creative Europe is the only programme focusing exclusively on cultural and creative activities and enterprises, it falls under the ‚Cohesion and values‘ heading of the 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework.
As part of the new MFF, it will provide more opportunities for cultural and creative actors to run cross-border projects; more attention to digital transformation that affects the cultural and creative sectors and more support for the promotion of the European cultural and creative work beyond the EU.
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF)
During 2021-2027, 65% to 85% of ERDF and Cohesion Fund resources will be allocated to these priorities, depending on Member States’ relative wealth.
The programs will focus more on achieving a smarter Europe, through innovation, digitisation, economic transformation, and support to small and medium-sized businesses, as well as a Greener, carbon-free Europe, implementing the Paris Agreement and investing in the energy transition, renewables, and the fight against climate change
European Agriculture Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
The EAFRD aims to foster the competitiveness of agriculture, ensure the sustainable management of national resources, support climate actions, and achieve a balanced territorial development of rural economies and communities. This also includes restoration, maintenance, and upgrading of cultural and natural heritage sites and rural landscapes. Thus, it is important to note that the EAFRD does not only fund farming-related activities but has a much wider scope.
Successful EU funded projects
The core part of the webinar was dedicated to the presentation of six successful EU funded projects.
The first project, presented by Lluís Bonet Agustí, Professor at the University of Barcelona, is an Erasmus+ project called “CHARTER – Cultural Heritage Action to Refine Training, Education and Roles”. Very important to mention is the fact that the European Historic Houses Association is one of the 25 partners of the project consortium.
The next project, presented by Alice Bovone, Chief Operating Officer at Le Dimoredel Quartetto, is another successful Erasmus+ project called “MUSA: European young MUsicians soft Skills Alliance”. ADSI, the Italian historic houses association, is associated partner of the project.
Afterwards, Stefania Pignatelli, cultural entrepreneur operating in the Italian region Marche, introduced a successful Creative Europe project called “OPHERA – OPening cultural HERitage to communities during the central-Italy post-earthquAke long-term restoration process. Digital technologies and new competencies for cultural professionals”.
The following project to be presented was another Creative Europe, named “Artists in Architecture Re-Activating Modern European Houses”, coordinated and presented by Francis Carpentier and Magdaléna Lišková, respectively Curatorial Project Coordinator and Head of Institutional Relations of BOZAR, the Brussels Centre for Fine Arts.
Then, Prof. Heinz Schinner, owner of Scholss Rotenturm in Austria, and Dr. Martina Bergmann, his personal assistant, talked about the renovation of Schloss Rotenturm, whose project was co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Finally, the last successful experience was presented by Pol de la Pintière: it was about his successful renovation project of Château d’Auteuil based on the LEADER method and co-funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
The EHH Webinar on Successful EU Funded Projects had an extremely positive outcome. Many were the participants and many were also those who would have liked to participate but could not: for technical reasons, EHH could not accept more than a certain number of people in the video call on the Zoom platform. This is why, as previously mentioned, EHH will send to everyone the recording of the webinar itself. The atmosphere throughout the whole webinar was formal and friendly at the same time: the speakers presented their interesting personal experiences and then made themselves available to answer all the numerous and stimulating questions the participants asked them.
EHH intends to continue raising awareness among its members on the issue of the access to EU funds, which EHH believes is particularly important for the sector of privately-owned historic houses. Through the presentation of some success stories during the webinar, EHH aimed at stimulating some interest in the topic, in anticipation of and waiting for our next events. As a matter of fact, this webinar is intended to be a foretaste of the Seminar on the EU and Access to Funds that EHH was organising in Brussels this autumn and which for obvious reason was postponed and will take place (hopefully) next spring.
EHH Extraordinary General Assembly
Post-Extraordinary General Assembly Summary Report
Name of the event: EHH Extraordinary General Assembly
Date: November 17, 2020
Location: Zoom
Number of participants: over 40
Contact emails: e.oksiuta@europeanhistorichouses.eu; theodoracanciu@europeanhistorichouses.eu; m.malaspina@europeanhistorichouses.eu
Appendix: presentation
Extraordinary General Assembly Summary
Unconventionally, the Extraordinary General Assembly took place virtually on November 17th, 2020.
The main reason for gathering together all the governors was due to Statutory Changes 1 (Par 8.2.1), Statutory Changes 2 (Changes demanded by the new Belgian law), Statutory Changes 3 (Changes decided in GA 2019), Existing members to be renewed until the end of 2022, Existing members to be renewed until the end of 2023, the Nomination of the newly proposed members until the end of 2023, as well as the Approval of accounts 2019 and budget 2020 (AISBL).
Everybody was virtually welcomed by the EHH Executive President, Alfonso Pallavicini. The first topic on the agenda was related to the renewals/changes in EXCOM (see presentation p. 7-12). Then, the new members of EXCOM had the opportunity to address their first words and introduce themselves to the governors.
Important to mention is that EXCOM had decided to expand in order to increase political visibility and lobbying capacities. Therefore, the initiative was mainly oriented towards the countries in which the association is not yet present, namely the Communist countries in Central and Eastern Europe.
Dana Beldiman will be in charge of this twofold démarche. The idea is to present the importance of a Historic Houses Association to CEE countries. The new associations will therefore be granted a two-year “observer” status within EHH with no membership payment obligation.
EHH invited the new potential members who gladly presented their thoughts and the situations in the country they represent (see presentation p. 15-29).
The first speech was delivered on the behalf of Schlösser und Gärten in Deutschland e.V. (SGD). Afterwards, Károlyi Stately Home Fehérvárcsurgó was presented. Moreover, two more Romanian castle owners showed their will of creating an Association for private owners, as well as the President of Pro Patrimonio France who explained the importance of protecting the Romanian cultural heritage.
Another topic elaborated during the Extraordinary General Assembly was related to the financials. Alfonso Pallavicini presented a detailed overview of the 2018-2020 budget and highlighted the anticipated 2021 budget.
Thereafter, the Vice President, William Cartwright Hignett, talk about Next Generation. He gave an insight into the 2021 conference and explained the strategy behind the NextGen membership launch.
A topic of great interest was dedicated to lobbying. The Head of Office, Ewelina Oksiuta, outlined the fact that EHH is part of the European Commission’s expert group on cultural heritage in which the association is actively engaged. Moreover, she talked about two new networks that EHH joined in 2020 – European Tourism Manifesto Alliance and Climate Heritage Network.
At the moment, EHH is in touch with Chair CULT Committee European Parliament, Sabine Verheyen. A. Pallavicini, W. Lobkowicz and E. Oksiuta virtually met S. Verheyen and discussed the main priorities of our sector and the importance of buil heritage. 10 key messages were addressed by S. Verheyen (see presentation p. 40).
Another current priority of the association is the EU building stock renovation policy and private historic houses. Besides the general overview of this topic and its main aspects, Alfonso Pallavicini explained EHH current position and priorities against potential amendments to the EU legislative framework within the Renovation Wave Strategy, focusing mostly on the assurance that the exemption favorable to historic houses will not be modified and lobbying activity at the national level.
An inspiring part of the meeting was related to the activity review. Firstly, Ewelina Oksiuta was honorable to present the success of EHH in terms of EU projects. Blueprint Skills Alliance for Cultural Heritage is the first project to which EHH was selected. EHH was not selected for the submission of HORIZON 2020 – Coordination and Support Actions. However, two more projects were submitted at the end of October whose results are expected to be received in February.
Towards the end of the General Assembly, Ewelina Oksiuta has also presented some of the activities organised by EHH during 2019 and 2020 and showed off the virtual projects of the association – European Heritage Weeks: Facebook Live Visits and Houses of the Month.
The Extraordinary General Assembly was finalised with the Strategy 2019-2023 and key focus areas of 2021.