Europa Nostra’s reaction to President Juncker’s State of the Union speech
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker addressed the European Parliament in Strasbourg today in his annual State of the Union speech, taking stock of Europe’s political situation and outlining priorities for 2018, the year which coincides with the European Year of Cultural Heritage.
Juncker’s third State of the Union speech was delivered under the motto “wind in our sails”, calling the current situation a “window of opportunity” to shape the future of Europe. When outlining his “personal scenario number 6” for the future of the European Union, the EC President stressed his firm “love for Europe”: “Love for Europe because Europe and the European Union have achieved something unique in this fraying world: peace within and outside of Europe. Prosperity for many if not yet for all. This is something we have to remember during the European Year of Cultural Heritage. 2018 must be a celebration of cultural diversity”. The European Parliament welcomed the reference to the European Year with a strong applause.