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EHH Newsletter January 2017

With articles on our Annual General Assembly (5-6 October 2016), the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 and the Alliance 3.3 Meeting in Leipzig, the Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Goods and a Letter to Minister Jan Jambon, the Revision of the Energy Efficiency Directives, Wind Turbines and an Agenda of Upcoming Events in 2017.

European Historic Houses Association – Newsletter January 2017

NEWS Regierungsprogramm NEWS

Viel Überzeugungsarbeit hat sich gelohnt, erstmalig findet sich der private Denkmalschutz in einem Regierungspapier wieder und übernimmt damit einen wesentlichen Teil des Forderungskataloges des ÖBV. Jetzt beginnt die Arbeit erst recht, denn es gilt auch die neu gefassten Vorsätze rasch um zu setzen. https://ahha.at/forderungskatalog/

Seite 95

• Bundesdenkmalamt neu aufstellen
− Reorganisation des Bundesdenkmalamtes hin zu mehr Serviceorientierung
− Besserstellung von privaten Denkmaleigentümern im Fall von Investitionen
• Denkmalschutz gesetzlich erneuern: Erhaltung des baulichen Erbes im Eigentum der Republik
und Schutz des UNESCO-Weltkulturerbes in Österreich als wichtigen Anziehungspunkt für
Touristen aus dem In- und Ausland; gleichzeitig richtige Rahmenbedingungen für innovative
Neubauten schaffen. Überprüfung der Eingriffsmöglichkeit des Bundes in die Bau- bzw.
Raumordnung zur Einhaltung völkerrechtsverbindlicher Staatsverträge
• Entbürokratisierung der Vorschriften des Denkmalschutzes für private Bauherren und
Beseitigung von Rechtsunsicherheiten, um Eigentümer von Bausubstanz, die als schützenswert
gilt, auch serviceorientiert bei ihrer Aufgabe zu unterstützen
− Normenbereinigung: Widersprüche zwischen Bauordnung und DMSG-Regelungen auflösen
• Umsetzung der „Baukulturellen Leitlinien des Bundes“
• Neuaufstellung der Bundestheaterholding
• Erstellung einheitlicher Richtlinien für Kostensätze der Bundesmuseen für den Leihverkehr
• Verstärkte Nutzung von „Shared Services“: Bestimmte Bereiche der Verwaltung und des
Budgetmanagements in einer gemeinsamen Organisations-Struktur vereinheitlichen
und administrative Synergien erzielen. Die unabhängige künstlerisch-kreative Arbeit der
Einrichtungen soll gleichzeitig abgesi


SAVE the House of Georges Bizet in Bougival, near Paris!

Today, as France, Europe and the entire world commemorate the birthday of Europe’s great composer, Georges Bizet, Europa Nostra and our President, Maestro Plácido Domingo, wish to invite you to support the crowd-funding campaign to save the House of Bizet in Bougival, near Paris in France.

As you read in the Summer edition of our Newsletter, this campaign was launched by the European Music Centre and the City of Bougival on 21 June 2017 in Paris. The launch coincided with the 20th anniversary of the European Music Day.

Given the symbolic European value of this initiative, Europa Nostra and our President exceptionally decided to give it our high patronage. Watch the video message which our President recorded for the launch of this crowd-funding campaign.

After four months, we are pleased to inform you that so far, 950 people have already supported the project with a total amount of almost €125,000 raised.

Additional contributions are needed and more than welcome!


A personal message from Maestro Plácido Domingo, President of Europa Nostra

Dear Friends of Europa Nostra,

On 25th October, we celebrate the 179th birthday of one of Europe’s greatest composers, Georges Bizet.

Throughout his short life of just 36 years, Bizet created true marvels such as his masterpiece, Carmen, the world’s most performed opera. I myself had the privilege of singing this sublime piece on over 200 occasions, in addition to having directed it close to 50 times over the course of my career.

Now it’s up to us – the friends of Europe’s cultural heritage – to offer Georges Bizet a worthy birthday gift: let us help the City of Bougival and the European Music Centre to buy and restore Bizet’s beloved house in the charming little town of Bougival on the banks of the Seine near Paris, where he composed Carmen and sadly, passed away at such a young age.

Let it finally be the Home of Bizet and his Carmen! We owe it to him, after all that he has given us…

I am counting on each of you. Let us be numerous in our contributions. Any amount, however small, is more than welcome!

Thank you!

Plácido Domingo
President of Europa Nostra

For more information:

Visit www.dartagnans.fr/Carmen to discover this challenging project and the rewards offered to project supporters!

DONATE and/or SHARE news of this initiative on social media and through your own network.

Every contributor will see her/his name inscribed on the project’s dedicated website and subsequently also in the future “Espace Carmen” to be created near the House of Bizet.

Media around Europe are talking about the initiative to save the House of Bizet in Bougival, such as:

Le Figaro
RFI Espagnol

Sing for Relief


Dear Colleagues & Friends, 

We wish to share with you the solidarity initiative taken by our President, Maestro Plácido Domingo, to mobilise the widest possible support for people in need in Mexico and Puerto Rico, two countries which have recently endured severe devastations and in which our President has many close family and friends.

Please take few minutes to watch and listen to the moving video message which our President has posted yesterday on his social media.


In this video message, Plácido Domingo urges us all to contribute an amount, however small, in support of people in need in those two countries. Our President has also pledged to match the amount raised through this initiative – up to the amount of 50.000 USD -through the Plácido and Marta Domingo Foundation. 

Please also spread this message as widely as possible through your own contacts and also via social media.

Europa Nostra has already done this via our own twitter account.

On behalf of our President, we thank you in advance for your generosity and support.

With my very best regards,



Malta’s heritage

Europa Nostra calls on Malta’s re-elected Prime Minister to make heritage preservation a priority.

On 14 June 2017, Europa Nostra’s Executive President and Secretary General sent a letter to the recently re-elected Prime Minister of Malta Joseph Muscat wishing him another successful term in office. Denis de Kergorlay and Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailović, also on behalf of Europa Nostra’s President Maestro Plácido Domingo, praised the impressive restoration projects of very high quality carried out in the country, particularly in Valletta, many of which with European support. They urged Prime Minister Muscat to put the preservation of Malta’s unique built and natural heritage as an urgent priority for his new government. The Executive President and Secretary General also reiterated that Europa Nostra stands ready to strengthen the cooperation with the Prime Minister’s office on heritage and cultural matters, especially in the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage in 2018.


ORF 2, KulturMontag

Sehr geehrte Mitglieder der Expertengruppe historische Bauten!

Bezugnehmend auf mein Mail vom Montag dieser Woche, darf ich Ihnen nunmehr den Link zur Sendung „ORF-KulturMontag“, mit dem Themenschwerpunkt „Über den Umgang der Republik mit historischem Erbe“ und anschließende Studiodiskussion zum „Nachsehen“ bekanntgeben: http://tvthek.orf.at/profile/Kulturmontag/1303/kulturMontag/13933659

Ich denke, es ist gut gelungen, die „Eigentümer-Frage“ im Zusammenhang mit dem Denkmalschutz in der Sendung zu positionieren.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Susanne Jenner


Land&Forst Betriebe Niederösterreich
Dr. Susanne Jenner
Schauflergasse 6/5, A-1010 Wien
T +43-1-533 02 27-14
F +43-1-533 21 04
e-mail: jenner@landforstbetriebe.at
Homepage: www.landforstbetriebe.at

Hasankeyf, Turkey

Europa Nostra’s Board gives statement on the endangered heritage site of Hasankeyf, Turkey

The Board of Europa Nostra, the leading heritage organisation in Europe, made a statement about theAncient city of Hasankeyf and its surroundings in Turkey, listed among the 7 Most Endangered heritage sites in Europe in 2016. In their statement, the Board of Europa Nostra deeply deplores the decision of the Turkish government to build a dam that would lead to the flooding of a site of world significance, without proper and transparent justification and without adequate compensation measures. In particular, the Board regrets that the removal of the Zeynel Bay Tomb has been carried out with insufficient consultation with the local and scholarly communities and that other Islamic monuments of great significance remain highly endangered. The Board of Europa Nostra urges the Turkish authorities to adhere to the standards of heritage protection that are included in the European Conventions and to set up a proper consultation process with local communities and civil society organisations concerned in an open and transparent manner. Weiterlesen

Nostra’s European Heritage Congress 2017 in Turku, Finland.

To all Delegates of Europa Nostra’s European Heritage Congress 2017 in Turku, 11-15 May

Dear All,

On behalf of the Board of Europa Nostra and the International Secretariat in The Hague and in Brussels, and also on our personal behalf, we would like to thank you for your active participation and contribution to our European Heritage Congress in Turku. We very much hope that you appreciated and benefited personally and professionally from the various events and networking opportunities organised during our Congress, with the invaluable cooperation of Europa Nostra Finland, our country representation in Finland. We particularly wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to Tapani Mustonen, Anna-Maija Halme and Benito Casagrande. We also wish to thank the City of Turku for an extraordinary welcome and support, the Turku Music Festival Foundation, the Luciano Pavarotti Foundation and the Matti Salminen Foundation for enriching our Awards Ceremony with an inspiring musical programme as well as numerous partners and supporters from Finland and other European countries.

We are proud to share with you a selection of Congress photos and videos, that you can view and download via our Flickr and YouTube channel’s. 

We especially wish to draw your attention to the short video with the highlights of our memorable Awards Ceremony and to the full version of the ceremony video which is available on our YouTube channel. 

We invite you to visit our new website for congress related news and follow our social media channels (Twitter & Facebook). We would very much appreciate if you could help us to spread actively our news especially with regard to the European Year of Cultural Heritage in 2018.


Last but not least, we thank you in advance for filling in our online Evaluation Questionnaire.

As the organisation of the European Heritage Congress is one of the key activities of Europa Nostra’s EU-funded network project “Mainstreaming Heritage” (2014-2017), it will help us provide a sound evaluation and final report of the overall project to the European Commission. Thanks to your valuable feedback, we shall also be able to continue improving the quality of our congresses and service to our delegates.

Thank you for your cooperation and for your continuous support and input to Europa Nostra’s action in favour of Europe’s cultural heritage.

We look very much forward to welcoming you to Europa Nostra’s European Heritage Summit next year in Berlin or to one of our forthcoming events in preparation of and during the European Year of Cultural Heritage in 2018.

Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailović,

Secretary General


Barbara Zander

The Hague Office Coordinator